Wednesday 13 July 2011

What Music Videos I Like and Why?

I Like to watch JLOs Music Video 'On the Floor'. This is because the song and the action in the Video match so it is spot on. I also like the way the Music Vdeo is laid out as it has many good graphics where at the beginning it has the entrance of JLO in a Black Car so it shows it has som narrative.
I like to watch the Black Eyed Peas music video 'I just can't get enough'. This is becasue the use of editing is brilliant as it shows many transitions which flow with the music and the action in the video.

Katy Perry's Firework Music Video

I chose this video because it has many transitions and effects that make the video more appealing. this video has many special effects like the light coming out of people. this video has a lot of lighting used and only one location which buckingham palace.